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Sensual Belly Dance 1.0
Abi Apps
Sensual Belly DanceBelly dance is an ancient Middle Eastern dancing style that isversatile, sexy, unique and very sensual.Belly dancing is a rhythm where coordination, sensuality, balance,harmony and musicality always go together, and intertwined to showfemale sensuality and hidden feelings of a woman.In belly dance, sensuality is expressed thru a dramatic,easy-to-understand language of sexy dance movements.In this sensual belly dance presentation this gifted belly dancershows the viewer the sexy, unique and very sensual nature of thisexotic rhythm.Enjoy this lovely expression of sensuality where our skilledguest will dance the very original and sexy belly dance.
Advanced Total Butt Workout 1.0
Abi Apps
This workout will literally kick your buttinto shape! It is designed to tighten, lift, and round your glutes,which is the largest muscle in your body. Gentlemen, this is not aladies only workout.Sculpt your butt with these exercises designed to work yourglutes for the ultimate quick toning workout. We want you to getthe best booty possible! If you're determined about shaping yourbooty, try these exercises developed by a team of experiencedtrainers. This workout routine works every muscle in your glutesuntil it's got no choice but to shape up.Get the firm, toned booty you want; no matter what your level offitness your butt will get into shape with these amazing exercisesdesigned to work your glutes.Just make sure to do these butt exercises as described andcomplete this workout routine three times a week, you’ll be amazedwith the results.
Exciting Belly Dance Drum Solo 1.2
Abi Apps
Belly dance is sexy and exciting; it’s asensual form of expression of feminine natural charm. It'senjoyable and fascinating to watch sensuous, undulating hipmovements in belly dance drum solo.The drum solo is one of the most exciting portions of belly dance;it showcases the belly dancer's technique and how creatively shecan interpret the music.Enjoy this exciting belly dance show with this impressive andgifted dancer. Get delighted sensual flair and the seductive gracewoven by nature into the curves of the feminine body.
Amazing Belly Dance Drum Solo 1.3
Abi Apps
Amazing Belly Dance Drum SoloBelly dance is sexy an exciting; it’s a sensual formofexpressionof feminine natural charm. It's enjoyableandfascinating to watchsensuous, undulating hip movements inbellydance drum solo.Oriental dance is uniquely designed for the female body,withanemphasis on abdominal muscles, hip moves, and chest moves.Thedrumsolo is one of the most exciting portions of this amazingdance-it's when the dancer can really show off her talent.Itischaracterized by smooth, flowing, complex, and sensualmovementsofthe torso, alternated with shaking and shimmy typemoves.Enjoy this amazing belly dance show with thistalented,impressiveand captivating dancer. Watch this amazing showandenjoy the sensualflair and the seductive grace woven bynatureinto the curves of thefeminine body.
Hot Sensual Oriental Dance 1.0
Abi Apps
Hot Sensual Oriental DanceOriental dance is very sensual, you know it the moment you seeit; it’s a fun, sexy, elegant party dance that radiates sensualityfrom deep inside as the dancer's whole body flows like silk, hermovements are beautifully interwoven with effortless grace.In belly dance, sensuality has always been one of the mosthighly prized qualities; this allows the gift of the dance to beexperienced on a higher level.Enjoy this sensual belly dance show by this beautiful dancer,acclaimed for the effortless, delightful quality of her dancestyle, her ways of expressing sensuality and for adding the flairof excitement with grace in this amazing dance show.
Intense Leg and Butt Workout 1.0
Abi Apps
This intense workout is quick and effectivefor developing strong legs and a tight butt—and you don't even haveto leave your living room!This training is designed to maximize fat loss while toning anddefining thighs and glutes muscles. This intense legs and buttroutine is designed as a great way to work your legs and butt.Start with a quick warm-up, like jumping jacks, then get into theworkout. Feel free to stop when you need to catch your breath.Plyometrics, or body weight exercises, are great fat burningworkouts. There is no clunky equipment, and no expensive gymmembership. This intense legs and butt workout is also good becauseit uses exercises that incorporate large muscle groups.It is recommended to perform this intense legs and butt workoutbelow three times weekly for optimal results.
Sexy Belly Dance Show 1.0
Abi Apps
Belly dance is sexy and exciting; it’s asensual form of expression of feminine natural charm. It'senjoyable and fascinating to watch sensuous, undulating hipmovements in belly dance drum solo.The drum solo is one of the most exciting portions of bellydance; it showcases the belly dancer's technique and how creativelyshe can interpret the music.Enjoy this sexy belly dance show with this talented, impressiveand captivating dancer. Watch this amazing belly dance drum soloshow and enjoy the sensual flair and the seductive grace woven bynature into the curves of the feminine body.
Belly Dance Drum Solo 1.0
Abi Apps
Belly dancing is one of the oldest form ofdance. The Drum Solo is a beautiful, sensual and seductive dancetechnique. The drum solo is one of the most exciting portions ofthe belly dance performance - it's when the dancer can really showoff her stuff! The drum solo showcases the belly dancer's techniqueand how creatively she can interpret the music.This belly dance drum solo performance is full of energy andstrength, layered with fluid technique, musicality, artisticemotion and passion.This is an awesome show of belly dance drum solo that is sure toimpress!
Sensual Arabic Belly Dance 1.0
Abi Apps
Sensual Arabic Belly DanceBelly dance is very sensual, you know it the moment you see it.It radiates from deep inside as the dancer's whole body flows likesilk, her movements are beautifully interwoven with effortlessgrace.In belly dance, sensuality has always been one of the mosthighly prized qualities; this allows the gift of the dance to beexperienced on a higher level.Enjoy this sensual belly dance show by this beautiful dancer,acclaimed for the effortless, delightful quality of her dancestyle, her ways of expressing sensuality and for adding the flairof sensual grace in this amazing dance show.
Lovely Belly Dance Drum Solo 1.0
Abi Apps
Belly dance is a form of body language, itspeaks the truth about the dancer’s thoughts and feelings. In bellydance, sensuality has always been one of the most highly prizedqualities.The Drum Solo is a beautiful, sensual and seductive dancetechnique. The drum solo is one of the most exciting portions ofthe belly dance performance - it's when the dancer can really showoff her talent! The drum solo showcases the dancer's technique andhow creatively she can interpret the music.This girl is gorgeous, she’s got a beautiful body. She shakesit, and does things you can only imagine.This belly dance drum solo performance is full of energy andstrength, musicality, artistic emotion and passion.This is an awesome show of belly dance drum solo that is sure toimpress!
Fascinating Belly Dance 1.0
Abi Apps
Fascinating Belly DanceBelly Dance, also known as Oriental Dance, is a sensuous,fascinating and provocative dance of Middle Eastern origin,performed by women, with undulating movements of the hips andabdomen.It's fascinating to watch sensuous, undulating movements inbelly dancing. Belly dance is a form of expression of femalesensuality that is transmitted from the inside out.We are pleased to bring you this passionate, energetic andseductive dancer. She has an irresistible style and fascinatingbeauty, she is a great belly dance interpreter.Enjoy the sensual flair and the seductive grace woven by natureinto the curves of the feminine body, with this fascinating bellydance show.
Delightful Belly Dance Drums 1.0
Abi Apps
Belly dance is a delightful, joyful form ofexpression of feminine natural charm. It's enjoyable andfascinating to watch sensuous, undulating hip movements in bellydance drum solo.The drum solo is one of the most exciting portions of the bellydance performance - it's when the dancer can really show off herstuff! The drum solo showcases the dancer's technique and howcreatively she can interpret the music.This delightful belly dance drum solo performance is full of energyand strength, layered with fluid technique, musicality, artisticemotion and passion.Watch this delightful belly dance drum solo show and enjoy thesensual flair and the seductive grace woven by nature into thecurves of the feminine body.Be captivated by this beautiful and sensual dancer and herdelightful style.
Beginners Yoga For Relaxation 1.0
Abi Apps
When your average day feels tense and tiring,it's time to hit the yoga mat. Get ready to learn some relaxingposes for beginners that will soothe and relax you at the end of along day.Yoga offers many benefits, from decreased stress to increasedflexibility and relaxation. The practice of yoga instill clarity,calmness, and focus into every one who practice it. The healthbenefits are numerous, including regulated blood pressure,increased energy, and decreased pain. Many practitioners also finda heightened sense of purpose in the world — a connection withtheir innermost selves.If you’d like to try yoga for relaxation, but don’t know whereto start, this is a guide to the basics. Start small and have fun!With practice, you’ll gain all the benefits it has to offer. Followthis tutorial and get ready to get your yoga on!
Vintage Style Belly Dance 1.0
Abi Apps
Vintage Style Belly DanceBelly dance is fun, sexy, seductive dance, an essential featureof the coolest shows of the world.This vintage style belly dance show is full of energy and strength,layered with fluid technique, musicality, artistic emotion andpassion.This vintage style belly dance show is alluring, sensual andsexy at the same time without being vulgar. She representseverything the art of oriental dance is, she’s a lovely andbeautiful dancer, and she’s definitely gifted.Be fascinated by this vintage style belly dance show to therhythm of upbeat sounds and modern rhythms that embody the sensualspirit of oriental dance. Get infused by this amazing performanceby world class dancer of elegant and delightfully sensual style andamazing talent.
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Green smoothies are an ideal fat burning foodas they are nutrient-rich, loaded with fiber and low in fat.Blended food like smoothies are extremely good for you as they areso easily digested. This means that nutrients are so easilyabsorbed into your body and energy is directed away from digestingfood and towards healing your body. This means you should have amassive energy boost while on a green smoothie diet.The great thing about green smoothies is they are so healthy andnatural, so you can drink as much as you like of them, while youcan also feel free to incorporate new ingredients as you like.This green smoothie we present here is very good for detox as itclears the junk out of your body, it’s also great for a naturalboost of energy and is filled with fiber.
Beautiful Belly Dance at Home 1.0
Abi Apps
Beautiful Belly Dance at HomeBelly dance is a beautiful sensual and seductive form ofartistic manifestation.Belly dance is also a graceful, joyful, form of expression offeminine natural charm.This beautiful girl is a graceful and sensual home belly dancerthat embodies all the poise of the oriental dance that exerts amagic charm.This is an invitation to watch a beautiful girl belly dancing athome, expressing the essential nature of the feminine sensualitythrough music, movement and rhythm.Enjoy this beautiful, sensual and graceful dancer, she willcaptivate you with her amazing belly dance at home!
Excellent Belly Dance Show 1.0
Abi Apps
Excellent Belly Dance ShowBelly Dance, also known as Oriental Dance, is a sensuous andcaptivating dance of Middle Eastern origin, performed by women,with undulating movements of the hips and abdomen.It's fascinating to watch sensuous, undulating movements in thislovely dance. Belly dance is a form of expression of femalesensuality that is transmitted from the inside out.This excellent belly dance show is full of energy and strength,layered with fluid technique, musicality, artistic emotion andpassion.Enjoy the sensual flair and the seductive grace woven by natureinto the curves of the feminine body, with this excellent bellydance show.
Abi Apps
Juicing is the fastest and tastiest way tolose weight get all those healthy vitamins, minerals, antioxidantsand enzymes that our modern diets are lacking.Most juices are highly nutritious, taste great and will help youlose weight in no time at all. In fact, many people have lost asmuch as 20 pounds in just two weeks of juicing!One of the main benefits of juicing is that liquid puts verylittle stress on your digestive system. This means you have moreenergy, feel great and have a super healthy diet at the sametime.Juicing also allows you to consume much more fruit andvegetables. It also helps to suppress hunger pangs, which mean youcan avoid succumbing to unhealthy foods that go straight to yourwaistline.Here are 3 great weight loss and energy boosting Juice Recipesthat will also boost your energy while providing you with essentialvitamins and nutrients your body needs.
Belly Dance Tabla Solo 1.0
Abi Apps
Belly dance is one of the oldest form ofdance, it is a beautiful, sensual and seductive technique. It'senjoyable and fascinating to watch sensuous, undulating hipmovements in belly dance tabla solo.The tabla solo showcases the belly dancer's technique and howcreatively she can interpret the music.Watch this belly dance tabla solo show and enjoy the sensualflair and the seductive grace woven by nature into the curves ofthe feminine body.Be captivated by this exotic and sensual belly dance tabla soloshow, performed with graceful and delightful style.
Quick Cardio to Lose Weight 1.0
Abi Apps
Quick Cardio Workout to lose belly fat&tone up allover - no equipment & no excuses, just get itdone!If you think you need at least a half hour of cardio to makeitworth your while, I have good news. You can get just as goodaworkout (maybe even better) with just 9 minutes.Are you ready to burn fat fast with this 9 minutescardioworkout? This does not mean it'll be easy. In fact, you'llneed towork extra hard the entire 9 minutes, but it will be worthit.Studies show that short, intense workouts help boostcalorieburning long after you're finished working out.This quick full body cardio workout will slim your waist andtoneup all over. Each exercise should only take you half a minutetocomplete. Oh, did I mention, no resting between exercises! Youneedto make each of those 9 minutes count.
Calisthenics Workout 1.0
Abi Apps
Calisthenics Workout to shape and toneyourlegs and butt.Calisthenics, or bodyweight exercises, originated thousandsofyears ago in ancient Greece and have been a major componentoffitness in athletics and daily fitness for home workoutswithoutequipment.If you’re just starting out with Calisthenics you mightbelooking for some ideas to structure your workouts. Here is alegsand butt routine for beginners or intermediates. If youperformthis routine in a circuit style, you will work both onyourstrength and on your endurance by performing theexercisesnon-stop! And of course will tone and shape your legs andbutt likea Hollywood star.To tone and shape your legs and butt, soon after warming upoptfor calisthenics exercises like the ones on this tutorial&alternate those with jumping jacks or more total body routinesinplace of rest time, to maintain your heart rate increasing&the calories burning. Finish these exercises in a circuit.This legs and butt calisthenics workout is designed to keeptheheart rate up, burning fat & calories swiftly, theseequipmentfree, bodyweight exercises are excellent toners. As mostfitnessexperts will note, preserving the high intensity up by goingfromexercise to exercise in a circuit offers the best overallbodybenefit achievable, even greater than time put in on thetreadmillor stair-master! The additional benefit is that, due tothe factyou totally change up the moves every 30 seconds to 1minute,losing interest is an issue of the past.
Abs and Upper Body Workout 1.0
Abi Apps
Abs and Upper Body WorkoutIt's time to reshape your stomach!! It's easier than youthink!This excellent workout for the abs and upper body willflatten yourbelly in just a few weeks with these proven exercisesdesigned towork all major abdominal muscles.This tutorial is an excellent combination of exercises fortheabdominals and upper body. This combination thoroughly worksyourabs, shoulders, triceps, biceps, chest, and upper back. Thecoreexercises are also comprehensive in that they target boththeabdominal and obliques, to get a defined stomach.Follow the detailed instructions in this abs workout to learnhowto get a flat stomach and burn fat to build muscle in theupperbody.
Belly Dance Gala Show 1.0
Abi Apps
Belly Dance Gala ShowBelly Dance is a sensuous and fascinating dance of MiddleEasternorigin, performed by women, with undulating movements ofthe hipsand abdomen. Belly dance is a fun, sensual, elegant showdance, andcrucial feature of the coolest shows of the world.This belly dance gala show is full of energy andstrength,artistic emotion and passion with this beautiful bellydancer thatembodies all the poise of the oriental dance that exertsa magiccharm.Enjoy the sensual flair and the seductive grace woven bynatureinto the curves of the feminine body, with this lovely bellydancegala show.
How to Give Relaxing Massages 1.0
Abi Apps
Learning some basic relaxing massagetechniquesis the first step towards giving a massage that willprovide greatrelaxation in the comfort of your home. You (and yourpartner) canbenefit from a few simple moves that are easy tomaster.A relaxation massage is essentially the same as a gentleSwedishmassage that uses smooth, gliding strokes. The primarypurpose willbe to help the receiver relax, and the giver willprobably move ata slower pace and use light pressure. Sometimespeople even fallasleep during a session.There are still substantial health benefits to a relaxationmassage,including calming the nervous system, promoting a senseofwell-being, improving blood circulation and stimulating thebody'slymphatic system, which carries away waste products.Learn this amazing relaxation technic with thisvideodemonstration.
How to Lose Belly Fat 1.0
Abi Apps
Are you ready to get a Flat Sexy stomach?ALean Waist? Strong Core? It's easier than you think! Thistutorialshows you the best exercises to lose belly fat and flattenyourstomach. If you want to strengthen and tone your abdominalthenthis is exactly the workout you need.It's time to reshape your core!! Sculpt and rip your stomachwiththese exercises designed to target your core muscles fortheultimate lean belly workout. In this tutorial we’ve compiledthebest abs exercises to help you lose belly fat and flattenyourstomach.This 12 minutes ab workout is a very efficient way to meltbellyfat, to show your six pack abs and lean waist and improvecorestrength. For best results, do this workout three to five daysperweek.If you really want to lose belly fat and get a flatstomach,dothese exercises and you’ll be amazed with theresults.
Seductive Belly Dance 1.0
Abi Apps
Seductive Belly Dance DemonstrationThis beautiful girl is a seductive and sensual belly dancerthatembodies all the poise of the oriental dance.This lovely belly dancer is definitely gifted she canbealluring, sensuous and seductive at the same time withoutbeingvulgar.This solo belly dance is a demonstration that she is explosiveonthe stage. She moves her body like the music is hitting her, sheisamazingly seductive! I could watch her dance all day...Enjoy this beautiful and sensual dancer, she will seduce youwithher amazing belly dance style.
Lovely Home Dancing Girl 1.0
Abi Apps
Sensuality is considered one of thequalitiesthat define an attractive woman. A sensual womanembodiesfemininity in all its magnificence and is absolutelymesmerizing tothose around her. She possesses a certain sparklingquality thatradiates from the inside out.Some women have a special grace to express theirsensualitythrough dance.Get delighted with this lovely expression of sensuality whereourbeautiful guest, dance around the living room with fullabandon,happily expressing her feminine sensuality throughdance.
Intense Abs Exercises 1.0
Abi Apps
Intense Abs ExercisesAre you ready to lose fat fast, tone up and strengthen yourabs,core, legs and more?Intense Abs Exercises is an excellent 10 minutes dailyexerciseroutine for men and women that steps you through some ofthe bestexercises you can do to lose weight in the comfort of yourownhome.This tutorial is an intense abdominal workout, it combines allofthe exercises to work every muscle of your core in just 10minutes aday.These proven exercises, demonstrated by a certifiedpersonaltrainer, target all abdominal muscles. Spending justminutes a dayyou can burn abdominal fat and get a flattertummy.Give it a try!!